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Maplewood RS Newsletter

Happy Saturday Friends! Those of you who were able to go to the retreat this weekend what a great time we had! Those who couldn't come we sure missed you. We talked, laughed, ate, danced, enjoyed the amazing weather, and got to know each other better. Sister Jobe gave an amazing spiritual thought on how God loves broken things and that we need to go through the hard things to be able to see our full potential. A big thank you shoutout goes to Sister Gregory for letting us use her amazing bunkhouse amenities and to our activities committee who planned, prepared, and pulled off such a great event!


Make sure and tell these ladies Happy Birthday when you see them!

  • 18 Aug- Cheryl Ballard

  • 22 Aug- Patricia Booth

  • 22 Aug-Gail Mattison

  • 24 Aug-Savanna Rogers

  • 28 Aug- Lisa McDowell


Kaelynn Buchanan and Candice Shumway, Welcome to Maplewood Ward Relief Society! We can't wait to get to know you!


Mark your calendars! Starting on September 6th, the Williams Field Stake is sponsoring an adult religion class, to be held every other Tuesday morning, from 9:30 - 10:30, in the stake center’s Relief Society room. This semester’s curriculum will be "Women in the Scriptures,” but it is not exclusively for the sisters. All are invited. Learning from men and women in the scriptures will help us, as we counter the attack on family. We hope you will come and bring a friend!

Be on the LOOK out for sign ups for ministering interviews for all sisters. We are hoping to do this the last week of August!

Stake conference: September 17th ( 7 p.m. for all members 18 years and older) and 18th (10 a.m.)


August 14th: Mark L. Pace "Conversion is our goal" taught by Allison Hassell

August 28th: Rebbeca L. Craven "Do What Mattereth Most" taught by Susan Jobe

September 11th: Dieter F Uchtdorf "Our Heartfelt All" taught by Mindy Pace


Just to put a smile on your face: