Maplewood RS newsletter

Pumpkin Season

Maplewood RS Newsletter

Is it pumpkin season yet? Maybe if we start putting our fall stuff out the weather will remember it’s almost fall and that it should start cooling down! I recently was studying the 2015 general conference talk “A Plea to My Sisters” by President Nelson and he says this, “We, your brethren, need your strength, your conversion, your conviction, your ability to lead, your wisdom, and your voices. The kingdom of God is not and cannot be complete without women who make sacred covenants and then keep them, women who can speak with the power and authority of God!”. After reading this I couldn’t help but think of all my sisters in Maplewood ward and how each of you are these women! You each have unique gifts and strong convictions that help make Maplewood the most amazing ward out there!


August B-days, Make sure and tell these Queens Happy Birthday when you see them!

  • Sept 1 Shannon Burns

  • Sept 5 Britley Fleming

  • Sept 9 Theresa Soqui

  • Sept 11 Madison Macaluso

  • Sept 21 Leah Thompson

  • Sept 26 Jennie Karges

  • Sept 30 Panda Jobe


  • Ministering Interviews Sunday September 10th and 17th at Sister Lanell Ferguson from 1-3:30. There will be goodies and good conversation so come and hangout with us! Please check your emails if you haven’t signed up yet!

  • TEACHER SUPPLY DRIVE: see flyer below for info…


September 10: Susan Jobe teaching President Nelson: “Peacemakers needed”

September 24: Kaelynn Buchanan teaching Elder M. Russell Ballard: “ Remember What Matters Most”

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