Maplewood Newsletter

Spiritually Fed

Maplewood RS Newsletter

What a month of being spiritually fed!  First we got to listen and learn from our loving Prophet and General Authorities of the church, then we got to celebrate our Savior for Easter with an amazing  musical sacrament meeting, and then we got to listen and learn from our stake and area authorities.  Can you think of a better way to have spent our April?  I can't!  It was extraordinary for sure! I just want to share a couple of thoughts from our prophet that stuck out to me this conference that were so simple yet so important.  President Nelson said this, "How we treat each other really matters!",   "Brothers and sisters, we can literally change the world-one person and one interaction at a time.",   "One of the best ways we can honor the Savior is to become a peacemaker."  May we all strive to build each other up and cheer each other on!

A message from Brother Boyle:  Please thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts.  We are doing the best we can and are thankful for the love, support and prayers of the ward and others.


End of  April/May B-days! Make sure and tell these ladies Happy Birthday when you see them!

  • April 22 Melissa Perry

  • April 23 Lexi Knowlton

  • April 27 Toni Heilman

  • April 28 Sheree Ferguson

  • April 28 Xiao Yan Lu

  • May 3 Pauline Dana

  • May 6 Britany Lewis

  • May 13 Paticia Sullivan

  • May 15 Susan Jobe

  • May 22 Angie Ellsworth

  • May 28 Dorothy Hancock


  • Stake blood drive May 4th at our building 2:30-7:30


April 30th:  Mindy Pace teaching President Nelson:  "Focus on the Temple"

May 14th:  Susan Jobe teaching a Mother's Day lesson

May 28th:  Nanci Vincent teaching President Eyring: "Finding Personal Peace"

June 11th:  Ashley Stacy teaching Elder Randall K. Bennett: "Your Patriarchal Blessing-Inspired Direction form Heavenly Father"

June 25th: Mindy Pace teaching Bro.  Milton Camargo:  "Focus on Jesus Christ"

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