Maplewood Newsletter

Happy New Year

Maplewood RS Newsletter

Happy New Year to you all! I'm going to hijack our RS newsletter for just a second for personal reasons and I hope it doesn't upset anyone, but I need to take this time to tell you Relief Society sisters of the Maplewood Ward how truly amazing you are. I knew we had the best ward in the world but my family was recently the recipients of the loving kindness, faith, and charity that is part of what makes our ward so great. I will never forget the fasting, prayers, meals, loving words, support, drop by's, and gifts that were given in our behalf and provided us with the miracle that we so desperately prayed for. Words can't express how grateful I am for the love shown to the Cash family in our need. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love you all! With Love, Kuliana

Thank you to all who participated in the Giving Tree this Christmas. The families were VERY grateful for all the generosity given! One more thing...don't forget to accept your invitation to join our "remind" Relief society group so that we can communicate with each of you!

Now onto the newsletter...It's that lovely time of year when we get to reflect on our past year and evaluate what we want to change and make better in our lives. It would be a lie if I didn't say that I kind of dread this time of year. I'm pretty good at goals for about 2 weeks and then I'm back to my old self. But this year is going to be different, wink wink, ha! I definitely don't have the credentials to be a motivational speaker but I think Nike said it best when they said... "Just do it!" Whatever your goal is, just do it. Act now and think about it later because thinking about it doesn't get you anywhere! I know this from personal experience. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, "NOW is the BEST time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be." Let's all start now. We can do it! I believe in us but more importantly, God believes in us! Let's make 2023 the best yet!


Here's our January B-days! Make sure and tell these ladies Happy Birthday when you see them!

  • Jan. 1 Bev Van Horn

  • Jan. 6 Garna Taylor

  • Jan. 19 Linda Ray

  • Jan. 26 Kim Homewood

  • Jan. 30 Kazlan Gregory


  • Temple Laundry Volunteer Opportunity for Jan 12th - Only one more volunteer needed from 1-5 p.m.

  • Women's Volleyball (stake) Tuesday nights from 7-10 p.m. starting January 31- March 21st- Each ward needs a team to participate in this. Every ward will have a 45 minute game sometime between 7 and 10 pm. Contact Kuliana if you'd like to participate on the Maplewood team. All skill levels welcome!

  • Ward Conference Feb 12th - President Keller has asked us to fill out a survey to help him with the lesson he is giving in Relief Society. Thank you for you help!

  • Stake Religion class:


January 8th: Nanci Vincent teaching Elder Wong: "Happy and Forever"

January 22nd: Mindy Pace teaching Steven J Lund: "Lasting discipleship"

February 12th: Ward Conference taught by the Stake

Febryary 26th: President Nelson "Over come the World and Find Rest"

March 12th: Elder Rafael Pino "Let Doing Good be Our Normal"

March 26th: Elder Uchtdorf "Jesus Christ is the Strength of Youth"


Thank you all for responding to our Ministering texts last month. We really appreciate everyone's quick responses!

New Year Resolution Motivation